Paperless Lab Academy® Partners are Solution and Service providers from the Lab Informatics industry.
Those companies are the ones making the Paperless Lab Academy® possible.
Labforward is a Berlin-based technology start-up developing software products for R&D and QC laboratories.Its product suite includes Labfolder, Labregister and Laboperator. Labfolder is an intuitive and powerful electronic lab notebook (ELN) that can streamline life in the lab by simplifying data documentation. Laboratory teams can prepare, record and store their research on a centralized platform accessible from anywhere.
Users also benefit from extensive features that facilitate collaboration, complianceand the standardization of common procedures within the lab.Labregister is an effective and comprehensive laboratory inventory management system that facilitates oversight of a lab’s entire inventory. Laboratory teams can list materials along with their properties to guarantee effective organization. Using this system allows members of a lab to follow each inventory item through its specific lifecycle and enables a direct connection to their laboratory notes.
Laboperator is a smart and agile lab execution system (LES) that connects laboratory equipment to a central platform, enabling teams to automate and monitor existing laboratory devices. With this system, members of a lab can manage their laboratory remotely, whilst collecting and analyzing instrument data in real-time, significantly improving productivity, and precision of work.

The Paperless Lab Academy® is a great opportunity to get a good understanding of the industry offering. Each edition is supported by more than 20 solution and service providers every year.
They come from Europe, USA, Canada, India ... and they offer you their latest solutions to your problems, latest recommendations for your concerns and share a good amount of user cases, white papers for you to understanding how other companies have define their digital strategies.
You'll find systems and also experts on how to best approach your digital journey.