Takeaways from the 1st edition PLA® USA Conference

takeaways PLA2023USA

If you haven’t got the chance to attend the first edition of the Paperless Lab Academy® Conference in the USA this last month, we wanted to offer you this retrospective and hopefully having you consider joining the next edition in 2024. The PLA® Conference is planned for offering a balanced […]

PLA2023USA: Mastering your Data Management

PLA2023USA master data management

In a data-driven world, companies that succeed in gaining actionable insights through data management will be able to innovate faster, develop better strategies and manage change more efficiently. Many organisations today, especially global organisations, have hundreds of separate applications and systems where data that crosses departments or divisions can easily […]

PLA2023USA: Use Cases of Advanced Lab Digitalization

advanced lab digitalization session at Paperless lab academy USA

In an era dominated by technological innovation, the implementation of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) is one of the most important catalysts for digital transformation in laboratories. Although some LIMS solutions have been available in the laboratory informatics market for several decades, most laboratories are still discovering the full […]

PLA2023USA: Adopting an Ecosystem Mindset for Successful Digital Transformation

paperless lab academy USA Opening

The advent of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced robotics, has created new opportunities to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve product quality. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, digital transformation is a strategic imperative and manufacturers across industries […]

Data Quality Empowers AI, ML and automation

Data quality is of critical importance, especially in the era of automated decisions, AI, ML and continuous process optimization. Corporations need to be data-driven and data quality is a critical pre-condition to achieve this. The “Data-driven” here implies much more than just technology and data.  it requires a special mentality, […]

Opening Session: Data-driven approach leads to innovation

Data Driven Session PLA2023India

Planning for Lab 4.0 is the central theme of the Paperless Lab Academy® India Chapter. The goal is to discuss how to get the most out of digitized labs so that all information provides valuable insights and accelerates innovation. The #PLA2023India program therefore plans to take you through several reflection […]

Data Migration Strategies Session at the PLA2023India

Data Migration session PLA2023India

At some point on the path to digital transformation, organizations undertake data migrations for a number of reasons. They might need to overhaul an entire system, upgrade databases, establish a new data warehouse, move to cloud, or merge new data from an acquisition or other source. Data migration is also […]