Hands on Lab Digitalisation, Instrument Connectivity and Data Management at Scale using Standards

WEDNESDay 16th OCTOBER 2024 - 13:30 to 17:30

Burckhard Schaefer at PLA2024Europe

Presenter: Burkhard Schaefer, SiLA Board Member, AnIML Task Group Lead

Burkhard Schaefer has been active in the lab informatics community for over 25 years. 

He is a member of the SiLA Board of Directors and leads the AnIML Task Group at ASTM, and SLAS Fellow. 

Burkhard earned his computer science diploma at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and the University of New Mexico. 

Burkhard held various positions in data management organizations at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NIST, co-founder of BSSN Software, head of core technologies and partnering at MilliporeSigma, and now managing director of Splashlake.

Objectives of this session 

This deep dive workshop aims for preparing you for the application of laboratory digitisation on a large scale through the use of data and communication standards.

You will learn about:

  1. How the application of scalable patterns can accelerate your digitisation efforts. This includes instrument connectivity and data management using the SiLA and AnIML standards.
  2. How to collect data from instrument PCs in an analytical or biological laboratory and store it in a secure central location.
  3. How data can be integrated into leading systems such as LIMS and ELN to reduce manual transcription.
  4. How to apply the FAIR principles to your data to maximise its value.

As you go through these points, you will understand the role of data and communication standards in facilitating this process.

The session will begin with an overview of SiLA and AnIML standards.

We will then explore the use of repeatable patterns to apply laboratory digitisation at scale and conclude with a live session using real instruments.

Who should benefit 

Departments: R&D, Lab Operations & Management, Manufacturing, Quality, Data Science, Digitalisation/IT
Roles: Head, Leader, Manager, Scientist,

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SiLA enables the Lab of the Future through free and open systems communication and data standards. Whether you are a scientist, an integrator, or a supplier, we help future-proof labs, offering end-to-end integration by connecting instruments to informatics systems, lab systems to each other, and people with their data.
