The Paperless Lab Academy® goes Paperless #PLA2023Europe
Take the event booklet in your pocket!
You´ll find all related information about the agenda, speakers, workshops, sponsors and benefit great opportunities for networking and meeting people of your interest.
1) Read the QR code with your Smart phone and download the Eventee Event App

2) Create your Account and Log in
- Download the event app
- search for Paperless Lab Academy®
- Create a new account
- Enter the same profesional email address you have used to register at the congress
- Add a personal password of your choice
- Log-in
- PIN CODE: 3063
- You're in!

*Note access to the event app does not imply access to the event
3) How to edit your profile and network?
- Go to menu in the bottom part of the app
- Create your profile ( name, company, short bio, picture )
- Enter into the Networking menu
- Choose the attendees you’d like to meet
- Accept to be contacted by other attendees
- If they also want to meet you: you're linked!

4) Navigate through the App and design your own agenda
- Go to PROGRAM page: Mark the presentation you don't want to miss
- Click on the WORKSHOP: by booking the workshop you don't want to miss, you will add it o "My agenda". Also, you will help the organisation to share your interest with the sponsors - not mandatory for attending a workshop session-
- MY AGENDA: you should all your marked presentations here
5) Get MORE
- The MORE MENU is more than expected!
- GET REMINDERS before the session start : TURN ON the "Alerts for My Agenda"
- SPONSORS AND MEDIA PARTNERS : discover the companies that have made this edition possible. Meet them at their booth !
- INFORMATION CORNER: check out the frequent asked questions