5 Benefits of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online

Why should you attend the PLA2021 Europe online?
While we are all missing the human interactions and the nice places to visit, that Live events provide, there is a certain list of benefits attending online events to be fair.
Not that we are pretending diminished the live experiences, yet looking for the positive side of the actual situation.
At the Paperless Lab Academy , when we recovered from the emotional impact of having to cancel the 2020 European edition last April and when we figured out how to manage the financial risks, we found the energy to reinvent ourselves and invest it into organising our very first online edition that by the way was our very first edition in India. I believe we get the best out of us when overcoming challenges.
This initiative requires the selection of a virtual event platform and as per any software selection, we applied our rules:
- SMART objectives ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely)
- Clear requirements definition from user, business and technical point of view
- Request for proposal to provider and objective evaluation of their answers
- Demonstration fase
- Longterm Contractual commitment
By achieving the selection, implementation and validation of the best fit to purpose software, we ended up with a solution that could support the quality requirements and the reputation of the Paperless Lab Academy editions.
The outcome and the feedbacks of the first PLA virtual edition confirm that the experience is worth, marking the event in your agenda and make some time to benefit its content.
1) Benefit of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online: Easy access to valuable content
The event platform offers 2 type access. Via browser on your desktop and by installing the App on your smartphone. the presentations are programmed so they go live as scheduled, and from then remain available till May 30 for all registrees.
Take the event in your pocket and tuned to through leaders and users presentations, sharing their expertise and experiences along 3 days congress.
2) Benefit of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online: The industry offering in your hand
More than 20 solution and services providers from the industry are sponsoring the edition and bringing their latest offering. above all, they bring an immense amount of knowledge and experience from the field. You’ll find none only the big international ones but also the youngest companies presenting innovative dedicated solutions to your problems.
3) Benefit of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online: Networking at your own pace
Within the virtual event platform they are multiple options to find the right persons to interact with.
Contact Speakers: While it might be more difficult to approach a great speaker at a coffee break, surrounded by a group of “fans” and “friends”, you can easily find him/her in the speaker list and introduce yourself via chat. I can ensure you they are eager to be contacted and have the opportunity to deep in their presentation. They too miss that interaction, and they will welcome you as never before.
Contact Sponsors: Reluctant to go by the booth in case an aggressive commercial takes you out the little time you have for the coffee break? no shame here, the booth are open anytime for you to access their brochure, product description, view some of their videos… but also contact their representative via chat and also via call when you feel ready and you’re eager to go back human interaction.
Contact Peers: the audience is composed like you of people from the manufacturing industry looking for engaging in high-level debates, learn from others, and refining their ideas. you can din them all in the community corner and contact them on 1o1 basis via chat. yet you can always engage to the whole audience by sharing your thought in the Activity Stream.
4) Benefit of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online: Learning at your own pace
At the Paperless Lab Academy we aim for facilitating information, if there is one key benefit to remember is the possibility to view and review the multiple presentations that are running in the 3 days congress. The event platform will remain open till May 30, 2021. so many opportunities to rewind that precise presentation you did not want to miss, that one that brings you so many reflexions, that one that stimulates you to go back to your team and start your digital journey.
Additionally, we had the opportunity to record great presentations for the edition we ran last december and were really glad to inform you that they have agreed to facilitate you access to it.
Beside the 3 day congress you’ll also find more presentations that have been rated top level at the last PLA2020IndiaProgram: Lloyd Colegrove, Mark Newton, Bob McDowall, Andreas Steinle, Sergio Nasi … from Down Chemicals, EliLilly, ISPE, Roche Diagnostics, Boehringer Ingelheim …
5) Benefit of attending the Paperless Lab Academy 2021 Europe online: build your own agenda
The virtual event platform allows you to mark the presentations, workshops you want to attend and receive notifications, reminders from the App in your smartphone.
From the organisation we have also learn that a simple email at the beginning each day with the highlights of the agenda helps you to organise yourself and prioritise your attention. The slots are 30 min long: just enough to get quality time on the subject without loosing interest and get distracted from emails.
Do not hesitate any more: Register now!
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