Workshop OSTHUS

From Allotrope to Reference Master Data Management

How semantic metadata in .adf can be extended across the enterprise



eric little paperless lab academy

Name:          Dr. Eric Little

Title:             Chief Data Officer 


Twitter:      @OntoEric ;


Presenter´s biography

Dr. Eric Little is Chief Data Officer for OSTHUS, working on the research & development of semantic technologies and their application to analytics, including graph-based computing, data modeling and advanced computational reasoning within pharmaceutical and biotech verticals.

Dr. Little has extensive experience designing and building scalable semantic systems for a wide range of customers and projects across several industry verticals.  He has helped many of his customers improve their abilities to structure and manage their data, allowing them to find new types of patterns in their data that link directly to important business drivers within the enterprise.

for OSTHUS, working on the research & development of semantic technologies and their application to analytics, including graph-based computing, data modeling and advanced computational reasoning within pharmaceutical and biotech verticals.

Dr. Little has extensive experience designing and building scalable semantic systems for a wide range of customers and projects across several industry verticals.  He has helped many of his customers improve their abilities to structure and manage their data, allowing them to find new types of patterns in their data that link directly to important business drivers within the enterprise.


We will present the updated Allotrope framework and cover .adf files and how they are used. We’ll demonstrate semantic modeling in .adf (OWL models + the SHACL constraint language). We’ll show how the data description layer in .adf can be extended via a “semantic hub” that we call Reference Master Data Management, which can be used across the enterprise.

RMDM provides a means to integrate metadata about any data source within your enterprise – including structured, semi-structured and unstructured data.  Customer examples from current project work will be given where possible.

Last we’ll show scalability of this approach using data science techniques can be employed beyond just the metadata – we refer to this as Big Analysis.

Session Learning

  • Allotrope Framework
  • Semantic Technologies
  • Metadata Management
  • Data Science
  • Enterprise Architectures

Company Introduction


OSTHUS brings innovative scientific informatics applications to many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical, Crop Sciences and Life Sciences companies. We provide both software solutions as well as consulting expertise to help guide your business strategy in adopting valuable technologies. With teams of unique interdisciplinary experts, we help our clients solve new kinds of global data-driven challenges in Pharma and Life Sciences.

As the Allotrope Framework Architect, OSTHUS is part of a unique collaboration of analytical chemistry and software professionals working on the strategic development of long-term, open and sustainable lab environments.