Paperless Lab Academy® Partners are Solution and Service providers from the Lab Informatics industry.
Those companies are the ones making the Paperless Lab Academy® possible.
IDBS has been at the forefront of helping R&D
labs innovate faster and better by providing data management platforms by cutting down transcription time and errors, streamlining the
experimental execution, as well as traceability of material, equipment and sample life cycle. A significant of time energy and effort of a R&D lab is spent in non-scientific activities of managing the data such as collection, analysis, assembly, reporting, storage and access. During this workshop we demonstrate the value of the IDBS platform as a partner in digital transformation of the R& D lab and the benefits for lab scientists, managers and data managers.

The Paperless Lab Academy® is a great opportunity to get a good understanding of the industry offering. Each edition is supported by more than 20 solution and service providers every year.
They come from Europe, USA, Canada, India ... and they offer you their latest solutions to your problems, latest recommendations for your concerns and share a good amount of user cases, white papers for you to understanding how other companies have define their digital strategies.
You'll find systems and also experts on how to best approach your digital journey.