Presentation KIT
Management of research data in academia: development of a modern research infrastructure with Open Source software
Name: Dr. Nicole Jung
Company: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Title: Research manager
Presenter´s biography
Nicole Jung studied Organic Chemistry at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany and did her PhD in 2008 at the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany.
She moved to the Campus North of the KIT in 2009 being responsible for the group Combinatorial Chemistry (ComPlat) of Prof. Stefan Bräse. Her research interests are parallel synthesis and synthesis on solid supports with the focus on the development of new methods for solid supported labelling techniques and the syntheses of heterocycles.
She established a small group of programmers in the department of chemistry working on Open Source software projects.
Modern infrastructure for the collection, processing and storage of research data is the prerequisite for a structured documentation of research projects and their preparation for an efficient re-use. As many other institutes, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has hitherto faced a lack of freely usable, specific software for the modern handling of research data in the field of chemical sciences.
Recently, the department of Chemistry at the KIT initiated the development of two independent IT systems, an ELN and a web repository, to establish a freely available infrastructure that introduces new ways of data collection, management and the provision of the obtained information. The Open Source project for the development of both systems, is intended to make a significant contribution to collection of research results in a cost-effective and simple manner, and to optimally network researchers. While being applicable in other fields of research, the ELN allows in particular the input and organization of all research-relevant data in the field of chemistry. By creating an interface between the two systems ELN and repository, a direct combination of acquisition and documentation as well as publication and storage of data sets and information is implemented. In contrast to the maintenance of other repositories, the additional effort for the contribution to the repository with additional data is no longer required.
The infrastructure will be prepared for its use in the related discipline biology, so that biological research work will benefit from a modern infrastructure.
Company Introduction
With more than 9,000 employees and an annual budget of about EUR 785 million, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany) is one of the biggest research and education institutions worldwide and has the potential of reaching a top position in selected research areas on an international level.