Presentation Hovione
Analytical Lab 4.0: from Digital Twin to Intelligent Systems

Name: Andrea Costigliola
Title: Head of Intelligent Systems

Name: Miguel Ramos Lopes
Title: Knowledge Management
Presenter´s Biographies
Andrea Costigliola is a professional in the area of Control Systems and Robotics Engineering, with experience in Machine Learning, Process Modeling, Simulation and Optimization.
Currently working as Intelligent Systems Lead Engineer at Hovione, Andrea defines the technological strategy and supervises the implementation of automation solutions for quality control labs operations. Invited Professor at the University Lusófona of Humanities and Technology, teaching Decision Support Systems to Informatics Engineering and Information Technology Management students.
Miguel Lopes holds a MSc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Tecnico.
Having majored in Control Systems Engineering, Automation and Robotics, Miguel’s research interests extend to the fields of Process Modelling and Simulation, Operations Research and Optimization.
Currently working at Hovione as part of the Knowledge Management team, Miguel conducts data analysis and develops tools that propel the company’s strategy to take data-informed decisions throughout the entire product lifecycle.
Pharma 4.0, the extension of the fourth industrial revolution to the pharmaceutical realm, promises to deliver a productivity leap across key focus areas: drug discovery, development, manufacturing, marketing and quality control. Quality Control (QC) is of paramount importance in the pharmaceutical industry, with companies having to follow strict guidelines enforced by regulatory agencies. Laboratory management is a complex task which involves resources (personnel and equipment) planning and scheduling, analyses prioritization, results evaluation and documentation. The demand for QC work is dependent on other operational areas, fluctuating qualitatively and quantitatively over time. Effective communication mechanisms, visualization and management tools can enhance the overall laboratory service level.
Hovione will leverage the opportunity presented by the design of a new – state-of-the-art – Analytical Laboratory to embrace novel technologies and set the bar for a new paradigm of analytical excellence, turning Analytical Chemistry into a catalyst of operations and a differentiating business factor. In this spirit, we will detail Hovione’s approach by presenting some of our Intelligent Tools (QC Digital Twin, Resource Planner, Tracking Systems, etc.) and the roadmap towards the Analytical Lab 4.0.
Hovione is a Pharmaceutical Company dedicated to helping Pharmaceutical Customers bring new and off-patent drugs to market. We do well what is difficult, to give our customers what they cannot find elsewhere.
Hovione was founded in Portugal in 1959 by three Hungarians, HOrty, VIllax and ONody, who together constituted Hovione´s name. From the very start, two factors distinguished our products: technological content and quality in manufacture.
Being very much research oriented, the company concentrated on products that were difficult to make and thus had an assured market.With a 50-year track record, Hovione offers advanced technologies as well as APIs for all drug delivery systems, from oral to injectable and from inhalation to topical applications.