Global Enterprise QC Solution Upgrade: A Case study on the upgrade, migration and consolidation of large historical data sets


Upgrading global informatics platforms present a variety of challenges that must be managed by the project team.  During this presentation, we will discuss how we approached this and provide our experience on how to manage a project of this size, especially when consolidating data from multiple instances to bring the business into the data-driven future


Markus Ruffener Paperless Lab Academy

Name: Markus Ruffener

Title: Head of Informatics LCMB

Company: Lonza



Lonza is an integrated solutions provider that creates value along the Healthcare Continuum®. Through our Pharma Biotech & Nutrition segment and our Specialty Ingredients segment businesses, we harness science and technology to serve markets along this continuum. We focus on creating a healthy environment, promoting a healthier lifestyle and preventing illness through consumers' preventive healthcare, as well as improving patient healthcare by supporting our customers to deliver innovative medicines that help treat or even cure severe diseases.  Patients and consumers benefit from our ability to transfer our pharma know-how to the healthcare, hygiene and fast-moving consumer goods environment and to the preservation and protection of the world where we live.

Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, Lonza today is a well-respected global company with more than 100 sites and offices and approximately 15,500 full-time employees worldwide at the end of 2018. The company generated sales of CHF 5.5 billion in 2018 with a CORE EBITDA of CHF 1.5 billion.
