Academy webinars program

The Data Review in the Pharma Industry Laboratories

[Recorded on October 2021] 

The Paperless Lab Academy® is glad to propose under the Academy Webinar Program umbrella, a presentation from Inpharmatic about the benefits of a paperless scenario for raw data, with or without a LIMS.


Pier Luigi Adeodata Paperless Lab Academy

Pier Luigi Agazzi, Partner and Computer Validation Consultant at Adeodata

Graduated in Electronic Engineer (Master) in 1985, he attended some courses about AI at MIT in Boston and also a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at Politecnico di Milano.
From 1985 to 2000, he worked as an automation and process instrumentation engineer for chemical and pharmaceutical plants in international environments.
Since 2000, he is a Computerized System Validation Engineer and partner of Adeodata.
He took part in several 21 CFR Part 11 compliance assessment and gaps remediation plans for production and QC departments, working with ERP (SAP) and Electronic Batch Record Systems. He is also involved in several Data Integrity assessments.
He is an expert trainer and auditor specialized in computerized systems validation and Data Integrity compliance.
Since 1992, he’s an active member of GAMP Italia group and ISPE.

Logo InpharmaticInpharmatic, the R&D department of Adeodata, is a team combining professionals with more than 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a new generation of software designers, coordinated by project managers of international experience.
The team aims to develop solutions able to add the benefits of efficiency and integration to the pharma industry systems, making them compliant with Data Integrity requirements.
Inpharmatic is enlarging and structuring its organization in order to support the success of the proposed solutions.