Paperless Lab Academy on local TV

paperless lab academy on local TV

When the local TV call you because they´re planning to run a program on ” paperless”

paperless david sparks Video: TV3 a la carta / generación digital / ens-endinsem-en-el-fenomen-paperless-viure-sense-papers

The program starts with the Paperless book written by David Sparks that was selected as one of the “Best of 2012” by the iBooks Store.

Paperless takes the mystery (and fear) out of going paperless with your Apple technology. The book includes 32 screencasts, 4 movies, over 26,000 words, and other rich-media assets to turn you into a paperless ninja. The material is accessible to beginners and power users alike with a thorough explanation of all the hardware, software, and workflows necessary to finally conquer paper.

The TV3 camera went through the paperless lab academy congress and discovered what is the industry investing in. Isabel Muñoz took them to the laboratory data management concept with practical daily life example  like all the metadata associated to a single smartphone picture. As for all interviews, in the end we´ve got our  1 minute fame!


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