The Paperless Lab Academy® goes Paperless #PLA2023India

Take the event booklet in your pocket!

You´ll find all related information about the agenda, speakers, workshops, sponsors  and benefit great opportunities for discovering who is who

1) Read the QR code with your Smart phone and access to the  PLA Event from your browser 

PLA2023 india event app

2)  Create your Account and Log in 

  1. Sign up: Enter the same profesional email address you have used to register at the congress
  2. Make sure to accept the Terms and Services of our Event App
  3. Check you inbox for an email from
  4. Add a personal password of your choice
  5. Log-in 
  6. Allow notifications so that reminders can be sent to you during the 2 days event [notification can be turned off anytime]

You're in!

Once done, if needed you can always reset your password: 1) Forgot password, 2) check your inbox,  3) set new password, 4) Log In

signup pla event process india

*Note access to the event app does not imply access to the event

3) How to navigate the application?

  1. Access to the PLA edition you are attending
  2. You are in the News corner where everyone can interact 
  3. Edit your profile add picture, bio, comment and contact details 
  4. Access to Program from main menu - when a session is labelled, it goes directly to My Agenda 
  5. Access to Sponsors virtual booths - from their you can access further information about their product and services
  6. Access to More to reach information about Speakers, take Notes, see all items labelled in Bookmarks, see who's who in Community, and read more information form the organisation

Any question contact us at  or the organisation at the event

access here to the PLA Event application Code of Conduct