Presentation French Anti-doping Agency

Olympic LIMS experiences in anti-doping laboratory


Name:          Ms. Adeline Molina

Company:  French Anti-doping Agency (AFLD)

Title:             Deputy director


Presenter´s biography

Ms Adeline Molina is the labs director and in charge of quality assurance.

She was the AFLD LIMS project leader and QA representative. She will describe the AFLD organisation before and after the LIMS implementation and share her experience of how the project was conducted.


The French Anti-doping Agency (AFLD) receive anonymous athlete samplings from events all around the world like: EuroFoot, Olympic games, Tour de France and many others sport events.

The samples are controlled in AFLD Labs with a predefined process: screening, pre-confirmation, confirmation and, depending of results, added specialized analysis. The AFLD must comply to the Antidoping Mondial Agency (AMA) regulations with the threat to lose the accreditation.

The presentation will cover experiences offered by AgiLab LIMS implementation in terms of compliance, organization and improvements.

Company Introduction

logo-afldThe French Anti-Doping Agency is an independent public authority created in 2006 and charged with ensuring that participants in sports do not violate rules regarding doping.